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Candlebark Performance Horses began with the exceptional eventing mare “Holiday’, by Flaneur and out of the well performed race mare Miss Metoka (by Metoka).  Holiday was as honest as a day is long and in her long eventing career up to 3 * level only once incurred a XC fault when the rider fell off!  Holiday had 7 foals.  Sadly no female progeny of Holiday remain, and her bloodlines are carried on by her son Darby Day (by Stanislavsky) and granddaughter Summersday.


Julia the owner of Candlebark Performance Horses, competed for 5 years in the UK and Europe taking three Kibah horses to England in 1990, Kibah Medallion, Kibah Foxtrot and Kibah Bossa Nova, only Medallion competed before going OS and he was Australian Novice ODE champion in 1989 (winning Reynella HT) and Australian Novice Three Day event champion (winning Gawler Novice 3DE), on both occasions beating Gill Rolton and her famous Peppermint Grove!


Holiday in her prime

Despite the difficulties of financing this exercise on her own, compounded by problems obtaining a visa to stay and compete in the UK, these horses all progressed to 3* level and competed successfully at many of the top events. 


Kibah Medallion and Julia Wandin HT CCI* 1998

Julia riding:

Kibah Foxtrot Kibah Bossa Nova Kibah Tic Toc
Bramham CCI*** 1992 Fairhill CCI*** USA 1993 Melbourne CCI*** 1988
  Julia now rides regularly but due to the demands of a young family has decided to concentrate on dressage and riding and training at home. Julia is a qualified NCAS level 2 (general - dressage, eventing and showjumping) instructor (currently registered as non-practicing)
Kibah Tic Toc & Julia at Wandin HT Advanced 1998

               Kibah Tic Toc and Julia at Melbourne CCI*** 1998 (4th)            

The facilities at Candlebark for breeding and training are of the utmost importance, lush pastures, with safe fences ensure their youngstock have the best start to life.

web design Sandy Morphett